Transforming Culture Driving Performance
Culture is the condition that drives performance - the reason customers want to work with you and people want to work for you
Transforming Culture Driving Performance
Organisations don’t transform, people do Richard Barrett +44 (0) 1423 531083 | +1 609 6428821
Evidence-based Development
Research has shown that employees choose to offer or withhold
approximately 41% of their discretionary energy to their employer
(Barrett Values Centre), depending on how well-engaged they feel
with their organisation, its purpose, its vision and its values.
Furthermore, Hewitt research on the 100 best and worst companies to
work for, analysed values as a key determinant of employee well
being. +44 (0) 1423 531083 | +1 609 6428821
A thriving, values-driven organisational culture is fundamental to driving sustainable success.
Leading with Purpose and Values
Primeast has been working with organisations globally, helping
exists. It must be compelling and generate pride, passion and
them to align organisational purpose and values resulting in
commitment within your organisation.
significant improvement in performance and efficiency.
Leaders must then create the vision – this is a critical piece of
work which must serve to engage your employees. The
We developed the PrimeFocus TM framework which underpins
direction of travel must be clear so that everyone, including all
our consulting and leadership development work. The model
stakeholders, can mobilise and contribute to achieving it.
can be used to inform conversations regarding strategic
Only then, can leaders begin to create the conditions, most
alignment which can then be used to prompt and identify areas
significantly, the culture/character, to achieve the leadership
for investment and focus.
vision. Unless you have created a clear purpose and vision
Leaders must begin by developing a clear purpose. Everything
first, it is impossible to define the culture you need to get there.
else comes from purpose. It is the reason your organisation
This is the nature of ‘purposeful leadership’. +44 (0) 1423 531083 | +1 609 6428821
A Framework for Strategic Alignment
Primeast works with organisations to develop purposeful leadership, using our own PrimeFocus framework.
Working with leaders, we help them identify and then create the conditions needed to achieve the purpose and vision.
Culture is the condition that drives performance. It is the way things are done, the way people behave and it defines the ‘character’ of the organisation which is the reason customers want to work with you and the reason people want to come to work for you. Culture is not ‘done’ overnight, it must be created over time and it must be crafted by your organisation’s leaders – it takes energy, skill, and commitment. We support organisations as they undertake this journey, providing the skills, knowledge and processes to affect meaningful change and the cultural transformation needed to achieve the organisation’s vision.
Understanding How to Create the Culture You Need
The Barrett Values model provides a framework and the tools
for measuring culture, entropy and helping to understand
where an organisation needs to get to in order to achieve the
organisation’s vision.
It provides exactly the kind of measurement organisations
need to find out how well their employees are engaged and
aligned. In addition, it provides clear indications of the
priorities for change, enabling leaders to create a clear
roadmap for cultural transformation.
Levels of Consciousness linked to Motivation and Adult Development Theory
The conceptual thinking behind the 7 Levels model is based on
Employees operating at this level will engage and willingly give
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.
their discretionary energy through levels 5-7.
Levels 1- 3 correspond to Maslow’s hierarchy, and are applied to
When considering talent acquisition and retention strategies,
individuals and organisations. They relate to the organisation’s
values play an important part as potential employees increasingly
survival and operating capability.
seek out value-led employers and organisations with cultures
Level 4 is a transitional stage which illustrates that the organisation
where they can thrive and grow.
is looking beyond its day-to-day activities and beginning a change
Levels 5-7 provide a framework of higher-level values. It is in these
levels that employees feel a strong sense of engagement, loyalty,
teamwork and community.
Employing the Barrett Values Assessments
Working with Primeast to deliver a Barrett Values Culture
Assessment ensures that all employees get the appropriate
support and guidance throughout the process. This includes
coaching and follow-up sessions, helping to align personal values
with those of the organisation for a more cohesive approach.
Primeast accredited Barrett Values coaches are experienced in
the implementation of the model – a diagnostics and evaluation
model – ensuring ‘stickability’ and long term sustainable
behaviour change. This results in greater impact and return
on investment with regards to ongoing organisation development,
with a clear focus on the future.
How We Partner to Support you
Partnership •
Expert L&D consultancy Business & people focused Customised and relevant
• • • •
Responsive and agile Supporting corporate messaging & strategy
• •
Cost Efficient
Embedding sustainable outcomes
Design & Develop
Additional services •
Front and back-end programme management
Marketing & socialising initiatives & programmes internally
Delivering Barrett Values with Primeast – Transforming Culture
Agree purpose & intended outcomes of the survey work to identify data cuts
Gain high level support for prioritised
Conduct cultural values assessment & supporting surveys
Share results, debrief, explore key words & engage with employees
Identify associated behaviours for achieving desired culture
Create culture development action plan & implement, design & deliver required interventions
values to focus on
Features and Benefits
• Initial survey capturing current and desired culture values – a
• A compelling means of identifying opportunities for
cultural audit
Customisable questionnaire
• Access to case studies of other successful transformations
• Reports generated - from individual to organisation-wide
based on Barrett Values model diagnosis
• Easy-to- read numeric, verbal and visual messages
Guidance on strategic diagnosis
• At-a-glance picture of alignment between individual and
• Provides focus for transformation with high levels of
corporate cultures
engagement at multiple levels within the business
• Identification of key challenges and opportunities
• Offers a platform to engage meaningfully with people
• Helps to prioritise focus and investment in training and
development +44 (0) 1423 531083 | +1 609 6428821
The Barrett Values Suite of Culture Assessments – a toolkit for culture transformation
Leadership Development
Leadership Team Values Assessment Developing Leadership Team effectiveness through values
Personal Values
Culture Assessment An objective diagnosis of what is and isn’t working with actionable insights
Merger/ Compatibility Assessment Measuring strengths and obstacles to aid seamless integration of teams
Leadership Values Assessment 360 assessment of leader’s values, strengths and areas for growth
Report Scalable
Assessment Understanding
approach for mid level managers to support leadership programmes
why you do what you do – FREE RESOURCE – click to complete +44 (0) 1423 531083 | +1 609 6428821 +44 (0) 1423 531083 | +1 609 6428821
Performance Matters, People Count
Working with our accredited facilitators and coaches, we will help to unlock the potential in your organisation for improved performance; because values drive behaviours. Developing a positive mindset and improved consciousness of behaviours will have a direct impact on working relationships, team achievement, personal growth and professional performance.
Because culture drives performance
How do you begin to transform your organisational culture?
1. Create a clear and compelling purpose Purpose is passion. When you have identified, shared and articulated your organisation’s purpose you must then find ways to help your employees align to this. What does it mean for them? How does it align to their own purpose; their own reason for being? Doing this will enable leaders to unlock the passion and belief in what an organisation delivers; leaders must then help their teams understand the part they play in delivering this so that they will begin to feel that what they do matters . This creates a collective energy in your organisation that is infectious, fulfilling and motivational. You must work as a leadership team to define and then share your vision with your employees. Empower your leaders and managers to bring the vision to life – give them the knowledge and skills to be able to do this. Show them not just what results you expect but help them imagine what success looks like both to the organisation and the individuals. Now the real work begins, to ensure your organisation is sustainable, securing a better future for the business, its employees, its communities, the planet and society. Begin with some work on scenario planning; what does the future hold for your organisation? How can you prepare? Work through the PrimeFocus TM conditions as a leadership team and assess your structure and culture. Does it serve your purpose and vision? What change or transformation is required? And seeing that human talent underlies the other eight conditions of a successful organisation, what are the skills and behaviours you need to achieve your better future? 2. Identify your vision for the future 3. Carry out an organisational assessment
Primeast’s Model for Strategic Alignment: PrimeFocus TM – creating the conditions for successful, purposeful organisations
4. Create a cultural roadmap
established, teams will experience greater success. They will perform better in terms of collaboration and innovation and find the experience of working in teams more fulfilling and enjoyable, while being stretched and challenged. Many highly skilled teams fail when due care is not given to building connections, interpersonal skills and ways of working, and the establishment of the shared vision, expectations and aspirations.
Begin by gathering data on the current state of play. Implement a culture assessment and analyse the data including measurements of where your organisation is culturally and begin to analyse the journey that must be travelled to reach your future destination. Values drives behaviour so you need to identify what values are playing out which might prohibit your organisation from achieving its goals, and what changes must be made to directly impact on the vision and purpose. Remember to build engagement by communicating across the organisation, creating dialogue around values and behaviours. Integrate this thinking and your desired values and behaviours into your employee development and management programmes and you will begin to see the impact. Transforming culture requires attention at the individual, team and organisation level. Support individuals by helping them to understand their own values and behaviours and how to harness them for greater alignment, improved working relationships, better performance and personal success. Teams must work together cohesively according to an agreed set of behaviours and in service of the team’s vision or contribution to the organisation’s purpose. Leaders must model and advocate the values needed to achieve the organisation’s purpose.
8. Implement your strategies
You don’t need to do this alone. Work with specialist partners who commit to understanding your goals, aspirations and vision. Where one size doesn’t fit all, increasingly organisations are seeking out highly creative, agile partners who can deliver very specifically designed solutions that really do make a difference.
5. Upskill your employees
Ensuring you create the culture you need to drive performance.
6. Build trust in teams
Trust exists in working environments where strengths are recognised, and values are understood. Employees or team members must develop a positive or growth mindset which seeks out the gift or opportunity in situations and exchanges. Once trust is
Primeast Global +44 (0) 1423 531083 | Primeast North America +1 609 642 8821
A Customisable Journey Towards a Culture that Drives Performance
Primeast provides customised solutions at every stage of your organisational development. An example of how we might work with you on your culture transformation journey is provided as an illustration below.
CREATE YOUR CULTURAL GAMEPLAN What do we need to do to get there?
WHERE ARE WE NOW? Measure and analyse – what are you now and where do you need to be?
Use a range of methods to measure – engagement surveys, culture assessment retakes and business impact measures. Track progress and celebrate improvements and successes along the way.
Provide programmes and frameworks to ensure employees are equipped with the tools, knowledge and skills to contribute – making sure each person is responsible and accountable for the future destination.
As with any change project, create a gameplan to achieve your vision then communicate – clearly and often to build engagement and momentum towards your ‘end game’ – visualise it, articulate it then make it happen
Implement a Culture Assessment to create starting point measures – where are you now and where do you need to be to achieve your Leadership Vision
Embed values and behaviours into your
Create a compelling future, understanding what it looks like for your employees, leaders and the wider organisation including all stakeholders
employee performance and development programmes. +44 (0) 1423 531083 | +1 609 6428821
Bringing values to life – changing behaviours through developing self-awareness
When training focuses on function and delivery in isolation, it becomes transactional, and typically results in a return to default behaviours. Our approach to designing training and development programmes is rooted in experiential learning and the application of learning back in the workplace. Our facilitators understand the specific organisational challenges of our clients, and proactively manage the learning experience to ensure participants apply their learning directly. As a result, participants and clients report long-term impact, genuine behaviour change and significant, measurable outcomes. The cultural goals are woven into the training and activities designed to unlock understanding of values and how to harness
this to deliver improved performance.
From the outset, we listen, engage and align ourselves with your organisation, so that we are able to actively manage the learning transfer at the point of delivery. Our associates and consultants are highly skilled, industry-experienced and accredited in a range of evidence-based leadership development tools and methods.
Approaching Development Differently – Working with Primeast
IMPACT – Empowering leaders with the skills to continue developing self and others for long-term results
WORLDWIDE – 120+ associates worldwide, delivering in over 40 countries, providing culturally sensitive expertise where you need it
EXPERIENTIAL – Real transfer of learning to workplace; applied and embedded behaviour change
EXPERTISE – Certified and industry experienced consultants delivering highly engaged, managed and applied learning
TRUSTED – Working as trusted partners developing the most effective solution to ensure desired outcomes are achieved
SUPPORT – Dedicated project teams, including design and administration, ensuring a pain-free and impactful experience +44 (0) 1423 531083 | +1 609 6428821
Delivering Successful Culture Transformation Projects
1. Rolls-Royce – Culture Project during Merger and Acquisition Situation Rolls-Royce bought Spanish business SENER Grupo de Ingeneria. After competitive tender, Primeast won the contract to provide cultural due diligence project as part of the M & A to create ‘way of working’ across the 2 sites in Europe. Solution Our solution included structured interviews, and a Barrett Values Centre culture assessment to 350-400 people across both organizations. Multiple data cuts and analysis and debrief to project sponsors providing insights and actions. Delivered in both languages. Impact The key output from the solution was the development of the framework ‘Ways of working’ which was adopted by the two organizations; improving teamworking and collaboration across the diverse organization cultures. “Primeast was selected following a competitive tender to identify the consultants that could best help us understand the working cultures and opportunities of bringing together two organizations. They were professional, experienced and very knowledgeable, and tailored their solution to meet our business need.” Director, Global HR Services, ROLLS ROYCE
Culture Assessment 400 staff across Spanish and UK
Ways of Working Outputs: development of framework for improved collaboration and teamworking across the diverse organisation cultures
Debrief Debrief session Insights report to project sponsors Action planning Multiple language delivery
Situation Analysis & Research Orientation
organizations as part of merger and acquisition Data cuts, analysis & Recommendations
Delivering Successful Culture Transformation Projects
2. BASF Callanish – Culture Transformation to Drive Financial Performance Situation BASF bought a manufacturing plant in the Outer Hebrides in 2012, Scotland. After a company-wide pulse survey it was identified that there were some extreme culture issues which were severely impacting on performance. Solution Initial consultation uncovered some significant challenges. Primeast designed a custom solution to uncover areas that needed to be addressed. This included conducting a Barrett Values Centre Culture Assessment to all 80 staff (shown below – highlighting the limiting values at play) and Individual Values Assessments for the senior leadership team. The outputs were analysed and presented back in a debrief session and followed with a townhall feedback event. We then took the analysis and inputs from key stakeholders and facilitated a series of sessions to review and analyse report outputs and feedback on the IVAs. We provided coaching for the GM and other managers and delivered a program of skills and team workshops, EQi-based coaching and an off-site all-hands workshop. We ran some critical incident analysis workshops and identified significant areas for improvement which had a direct impact on health and safety processes. The workshops surfaced and addressed the significant cultural challenges which extended to the island community dynamics which impacted on the staff at the site. Impact Report outputs informed a series of cultural interventions which were delivered in a sensitive environment and resulted in a cultural shift and a change in leadership styles. The plant returned to profit within 3 years.
ASSESSMENTDEBRIEF Individual debrief sessions with action and development planning
CONSULTATION • Orientation • ResearchPhase – stakeholder interviews & surveys • Barrett Values Culture Assessment – 80 staff • Barrett Values – Individual Values Assessments • Needs Analysis • Recommendations
EXECUTIVECOACHING General Manager & Management Team based on EQi outputs
CRITICALINCIDENT ANALYSISWORKSHOPS Team sessions with direct actions in health & safety processes
SKILLS DEVELOPMENTSERIES Team workshop sessions – all staff
BUSINESS IMPACT • Transformation in leadership styles – measurable, improved leadership effectiveness • Cultural alignment in sensitive community situation, resulting in buy-in, alignment and support • A return to profit within 3 years
Delivering Successful Culture Transformation Projects 3. Cape (acquired by Altrad) – Multi-Year Culture Transformation Strategy Situation Cape plc* required a long term cultural transformation programme and sought to develop their future leaders. Achieving this would take a number of culture changing interventions, including a suite of personal development programmes to up skill various management cohorts. Primeast’s brief was to design and deliver a programme of behavioural interventions for senior leaders and a leader development programme. CONSULTATION • Orientation • Research Phase • Cross-cultural working analysis • Values & Behaviors Review • Training Needs Analysis • Recommendations
ANNUAL CONFERENCE systemic change programme launch
ENGAGEMENT Results briefing
Solution Primeast designed 2 programmes (Operational Excellence in a VUCA world) with executive coaching support and another programme for future leaders (those in the operational function with the potential to become senior leaders). The focus has shifted in recent years towards developing leadership effectiveness. Participants have been recruited from all parts of the client’s global operations. This multi -cultural approach was designed to ensure that the client made the best possible use of all its managerial talents, as well as offering the opportunity for participants to appreciate the cultural differences that exist across the global operations and to develop valuable internal networks for personal support and corporate benefit. Impact Observed outcomes include: • Significantly enhanced leadership skills and capability of an important cohort of Cape’s senior management •Contribution to the cultural development of Cape’s operations globally •Underpinned Cape’s people priority areas, which has helped deliver their overall business objectives • Quantifiable outcomes & demonstrable ROI: enhanced earnings via the implementation of in- programme projects, the achievement of participants’ personal objectives, improved promotion likelihood of participants, and reduced turnover amongst senior leaders.
OPERATIONAL EXCELLENCE IN A VUCA WORLD PROGRAMME Ongoing - Leadership Development Program & Executive Coaching
FUTURE LEADERS PROGRAMME Ongoing - developing senior leaders & high potentials
SUPPORTINGINTERVENTIONS Multiple programs & workshops: • Exco – The Leadership Vision • Leadership Strategy Workshop • Senior Leadership Development program
“I have worked closely with Primeast now for over 13 years …What I like about Primeast is that they “get it”. Working with Primeast has helped us reshape the organisation, develop our leadership, ultimately enhancing overall performance.” Steve Connolly, Special Projects, Cape/Altrad
Culture Transformation at individual, team and organisation level Individual – helping your employees to understand what drives their own behaviours is the first step to developing emotional intelligence and mental fitness. Understanding this will grow awareness of impact on others and what triggers and hot buttons they react to. They can then begin to master their own responses. This work has a direct impact on performance, motivation, fulfilment and appetite for ongoing personal growth. Individuals complete the relevant values assessment and receive coaching to support to interpret the reports and take action on their own personalised development journey. Teams – working together to build a shared team culture will result in a more cohesive and collective approach to achieving the team vision. Values-based teamworking results in greater collaboration, respectful ways of working based on trust and shared understanding. Teams complete one of the team-based values assessment then Primeast will design a programme of sessions on topics and skills highlighted in the report as opportunities for growth and performance improvement. Leaders – working with leaders to create the collective purpose and vision. During significant change e.g., acquisitions and mergers, we work to support leaders across organisations and functions to build a collective cultural vision, creating consensus, ownership and accountability for the cultural roadmap. Developing the skills, knowledge and mindset to lead successful change and culture transformation.
Organisation – transforming your organisation’s culture requires a systemic, organisation -wide approach which includes the initial audit, survey implementation and analysis using the selected Culture Assessment tool. Interventions are designed and delivered to support employees and leaders to ensure they are equipped with the skills, knowledge and behaviours to create the desired future culture.
Get in Touch
For a discussion regarding how you can achieve your culture transformation:
Take the free Personal Values Assessment. Once you receive your report, get in touch and we’ll provide you a summary debrief of the results .
Beth Williams - CEO, Primeast North America +1 609 642 8821
Sarah Morgan - Director/Head of Sales & Marketing EMEA/Global +44 (0)1423 531083
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