Increasing Self-Awareness - Future leaders
How we use carefully selected diagnostics and assessments to build the self-awareness leaders need in today's fast changing world
Leadership Development for the 21 st Century
LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT Increasing self-awareness
The Leadership Challenge
Barrett Values Centre
Deeper Learning
Kirkpatrick Evaluation
PrimeFocus TM
Employing Assessments and Diagnostics
Contact Us
The Leadership Circle Profile and System TM
“ 64% of organisations believe their greatest challenge is developing next generation leaders ” Bersin, July 2019
Navigating complexity Resetting the vision Technology disruption Managing complex people challenges Remote working Commercial resilience Value-driven relationships Sustainable business performance Resetting expectations Virtual Connections Embracing change Business growth Adapting Economic challenges Agility Competitive markets Multi-generational workforces Cultural Diversity Whole person understanding Strategic challenge Talent Management Inclusivity Uncertainty Developing new skills Supporting people emotionally
“Self-awareness is about developing your capacity to sense how you’re coming across, to have undistorted visibility into your own strengths and weaknesses, and to be able to gauge the emotions you’re personally experiencing. If you’re going to mobilize others to get things done, you can’t let your own emotions get in the way.” Professor Joshua Margolis, Harvard Business School
IMPROVED SELF-AWARENESS POSTIVELYIMPACTSON PERFORMANCE 100 percent reported a significant improvement in workplace effectiveness. 79 percent mentioned more effective workplace relationships. 86 percent described an improved ability to identify and manage their emotions. 81 percent linked improved emotional self-awareness to a reduction in stress Source: Association for Talent Development, 2018
“Effective, collective leadership is the single most important competitive and strategic advantage that cannot be copied.” Mark Fields, President of Ford Motors
The 'hero' leader era has ended. Research tells us that people need 'people' as leaders; fully rounded, authentic, resilient, agile, emotionally connected people who lead with purpose and values. The traditional focus on growing skills and knowledge (horizontal development) is no longer adequate. Leaders must develop a highly sophisticated internal operating system or mindset (vertical development) to be able to deal with the pace of change and challenges. Employing self-assessments, 360 assessments and diagnostics are employed to support this need for increased self-awareness and internal development.
Primeast are experienced and accredited in a wide range of proven assessments and diagnostics which we employ to support the individual learner journey. Some tools include team, individual, self-assessments and 360 assessments:
Kirkpatrick accreditation (Levels 1 to 4 evaluation) PrimeFocus TM Barrett Values CTT TM (including Master Practitioner) The Leadership Circle Profile and System TM Presencing Institute Theory U
Accredited Coaches (ICF Professional Certified Coach) CTI Professional Co-Active Coaches (PCC) MBTI ® (Myers Briggs) DiSC ® EQi ® (Emotional Intelligence Individual and 360) AQR MTQ (Mental Toughness Questionnaire) Virtual Facilitation Certification
ATD Instructional Learning Design TMS ® (Team Management Systems)
THE LEADERSHIP CIRCLE PROFILE TM A 360 assessment based on the Universal Model of Leadership
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In add t1on to all the dimensions d splayed 1n the inner and outer circle. the rectanguar scales located aroond the circleare ntended to br ing everythng together. They provide useful 'bot tom- 1ne·measures as well as measuresof key patterns wi thin the data
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B11s;JbC1ts;;;c11IIX1I I reflects the degree of balance between the Creative dmens1ons and the Reactive d1mens1ons The percent le scorehereg ves the leadera senseof how he/she compares to other leaderswi t h respect to the amount of energy he/sheputs intoReactive versus Creativebehaviors. It suggests
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To understand the layout of the Prof i le Graphic. please read the fol lowing steps: 0 C WITHINELCRI A CIRCLE The outer circle d splays the results
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the degree to whichh1S/her leadership, relat1onsh ps. and goal-oriented behaviorscome oot of a Creative or Reactive onentat1on. It also suggests the degree to whichh1S/ her self-concept and inner mot1vat1oncome from w1th1n or are determined by external expectations.. rules, or condbons measures the degreeof balance a leader shows betweenthe Ach1ev1ngand Relating competencies. It 1s a measureof the over,under or balanced development of either half of the equation (the peoplehalf or the task half) that makes for great leadersh p I HdtUb lD E!:12ltDlli11 UllllHlil2D 1sa bot tom ne measurethat compares the overa! scoreof the Re-latlonshlp-nsk Balance
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displayed as percent le scores compared to an ever-growing
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n,ormbase.High scoresare beyond the 61thpercenble_ Low scores are below the 33rdpercentile
Researchhas shown it to be si-gn1f1cantly correlated to business outcomes. It gives the
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The Leadership Circle Profile (LCP) is used to evaluate and explore the existing behaviors amongst leaders. The profile is designed to investigate, understand and develop creative behaviors which have proven to directly result in improved business performance. The completed Profile provides a report including a graph allowing opportunities for deep insights on the creative leadership and reactive tendencies of the individual or team. Accredited coaches guide the individual or team through a process to understanding the insights and uncover the potential for development. The process shines a light on the invisible, unconscious beliefs and values which are driving reactive behaviors and how these behaviors might impact on others and their performance. The Leadership Circle Collective Leadership Assessment TM provides a powerful insight into how collective leadership influences organizational culture.
These insights inform coaching programs and the design of Leadership Development programs to support improved performance.
By ILLUMINATING the underlying thinking patterns that drive BEHAVIOR we give access to new choices and possibilities
THE LEADERSHIP CIRCLE PROFILE – 360 ASSESSMENT A customized process: Agree cohort – individuals and/or teams. Select the Manager or Leader Edition depending on job roles. Participants are briefed on the process by the accredited Leadership Circle coach. Participants select 15 ( minimum) people to complete the assessment. This includes 4 groups for the Leader edition: line manager, peers, direct reports and external representatives. Respondees are given a timescale to complete the assessments. If the collective report is required for improving leadership team effectiveness, the report is compiled and shared with team members. Participants receive their report during a initial debrief meeting where the report will be explained and key insights shared for the participant to reflect on. Teams receive the collective report and a full debriefing to identify insights regarding ‘ways of working'. Teams will receive supplementary team coaching sessions in addition to their individual coaching sessions. Participants receive 6 x 60/90 minute coaching sessions providing a deep dive into the reactive tendencies which might be limiting the coachee’s performance and to explore the creative tendencies which could be developed to improve leadership effectiveness.
Briefing The Leadership Circle
Feedback workshop • Distance travelled • Actions
Leadership Development Workshop 2
Leadership Development Workshop 3
Leadership Development Workshop 4
Leadership Development Workshop 1
24 month timelapse- Assessment re-take
Creative Competencies
Assessments completed & analyzed
Reactive tendencies
Process & Set up
Coaching 5
Coaching 6
Coaching 1
Coaching 2
Coaching 3
Coaching 4
Leadership Development workshops are designed in response to the specific group needs and organizational context Journaling and reflective activities throughout to promote deep learning as new skills are applied and tested Multimedia resource library available for the duration of the program and 12 months after, supported by communities of learning
THE LEADERSHIP CIRCLE SYSTEM An integrated program for developing leadership effectiveness
The Leader to Leader™ program is one of the programs available through the Leadership System TM . It begins with the Leadership Circle Profile assessment
with workshops selected to respond to key development areas identified in the cohorts’ assessment report.
The program is a highly interactive series of sessions in which high-potential individuals come together to learn and practice new leadership skills to increase both their effectiveness and business performance. Leader to Leader™ offers a powerful combination of business issue resolution with accelerated professional and personal development for your key cross- functional leaders or intact teams.
An organization cannot perform at a level higher than the consciousness of its leadership team. Successful organizations strive to keep pace with the escalating complexity of our times
Elective Modules
Mandatory Modules
Mapping your Journey
Courageous Conversations
Moving toward your vision
Systems Thinking
Listening as a Leader
Leading through Change
Taking stock
Accountability & Leadership Development Plan
Creating a Culture of Accountability
Sustaining Energy, Focus & Commitment
Relationship Building
Following the initial assessment & workshop, the group meets for facilitated half day sessions 4-6 weeks apart
Kirkpatrick Levels 1-4 Leading Indicators
We are only as good as our results. Typically a program starts with the end in mind and this means the design of a comprehensive evaluation system. This could include the capturing of client feedback, participant feedback and completion of trainer evaluation reports. The evaluation outputs will inform a continuous improvement cycle, as part of our quality assurance and ISO:9001 accreditation. These are reviewed at regular check-ins with the partnering team. Lessons learnt will influence ongoing improvements and adaptation of the program content. We are adaptable and flexible and work with all clients in this way. Our client consulting team are Kirkpatrick accredited and design the evaluation to respond to the leading indicators. KPIs and metrics are agreed and outputs planned to provide evidence for return on investment.
What impact has the program had on business performance?
Level 4 Result
How have participants applied their learning?
Level 3 Behavior
How much did participants learn from the program?
Level 2 Learning
How did participants respond to the program?
Level 1 Reaction
Clive Wilson, (author of Designing the Purposeful Organization) developed the PrimeFocus TM model based on 30 years’ experience working with organizations globally as learning and development consultant. PrimeFocus TM is deployed as a framework for consulting, understanding the challenges within an organization and informing the design of any successful solution. It is based on the principle that all conditions must be aligned in support of the organization’s purpose to achieve business growth. Find out more about PrimeFocus TM Complete the Self Assessment and receive a summary report outlining the challenges to your organization.
Barret Values is employed in culture change and teamworking solutions where organizations are seeking to develop a cohesive culture in pursuit of the organization’s purpose and objectives. Used in a range of situations including mergers and acquisitions and the development of collaborative working, Barrett Values is a powerful tool used by our accredited practitioners. It provides deeper insights and forms the basis of workshop design resulting. A scalable, repeatable tool which allows current vs desired status data comparison. Uncovers the hidden values which drive behavior and are fundamental to ensuring recognizablebehavior change. Identifies entropy with scores which supports progress monitoring in a more meaningful and considered solution.
Beth Williams Email: Phone: +1 692 6642 8821 CONTACT THE TEAM
PRIMEAST USA 1600 Perrineville Road Ste2-325 Monroe Township NJ 08831, United States
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