Future Skills Portfolio US
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DiSC assessments are used in thousands of organizations around the world, from government agencies and Fortune 500 companies to nonprofits and small businesses. The reason is simple: the DiSC profiles help build stronger, more effective working relationships by highlighting personal preferences for communication styles.
DiSC Unlocking Communication Styles
The DiSC profile is not a personality test (this would assume right or wrong answers), but rather an assessment of your communication behaviors. All DiSC styles provide equal value and are measured across the DiSC dimensions of behavior (Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness) that make up the DiSC model. It helps individuals understand themselves, learn strategies to improve interaction with others and achieve higher workplace satisfaction and results.
Build on individual strengths and identify opportunities for growth
Complete DiSC self assessment
• Explore the DiSC dimensions and what each brings and how it plays out with others • Identify opportunities for individual growth and wider impact on the team and organization.
• Reduce conflict and avoid misunderstandings • Improve communication across teams • Provide a common language to help teams understand one another and work better together
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