Future Skills Portfolio US
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Have you ever put off a conversation with a colleague because you thought it would be too challenging? Difficult conversations need to be had in the workplace from time to time, and they can be difficult to manage. This practical workshop provides a framework that helps to turn them into opportunities to learn and grow.
You're not alone if you struggle to have difficult conversations with colleagues. Perhaps you're reflecting on how best to give feedback to someone, or maybe you're thinking how you can tell someone you think they're underperforming. In this workshop you'll be encouraged to frame these discussions as a positive learning opportunity for both parties. When you seek to understand — you are more likely to achieve a positive and mutually beneficial outcome. Empathy rather than judgement changes the whole dynamic.
Constructive Conversations
• Feel confident to use a framework for managing difficult conversations in the workplace • Seek to understand to achieve a positive outcome for all • Apply the framework to several workplace situations: performance management conversations, giving effective feedback and delegating for development.
• An examination of the principles and importance of communication for constructive and desired outcomes • Exploring a number of frameworks which can be applied to real work scenarios • Action planning for continued development
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