ZIM Learner Journal
"What you put in = What you get out" The Comfort/Stretch model can be applied to both your own and your teams’ method of working to understand what kind of learning, knowledge and value you are getting from your day-to-day work experiences. It is also useful in helping you recognize the physiological responses you might experience when you are in each zone.
Comfort is a place where you go about your day-to-day work. Very little learning takes place because this work is routine and subconscious.
Stretch is where we look to expand our knowledge and stretch our understanding. More learning takes place here because we are looking for new ways of working.
The Red Zone (also known as the Stress Zone), is where we sometimes need to go because of an issue or problem. But you should not stay in this zone as it can use a lot of energy and can be harmful to your health.
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