Transforming Cultures

Example Projects



Solution We quickly established the key requirements for delivery and then working with both organizations we: • Implemented a values-based culture survey, in Spanish and English, to provide quality insight into the respective ‘ways of working’ of the acquired company and the relevant client functions. This was imperative in providing specific guidance on the key characteristics driving the current culture in each organization and to identify the values that would determine the success of the new organization. Surveying over 600 respondents. • Debriefed a group of representatives on the results, the implications, and the relevant actions and next steps. Working with senior leaders, we gathered and analyzed valuable qualitative information about the opportunities and potential pitfalls of integration. • Facilitated a small number of exploratory workshops with key representatives of the target population to unpack the results further and gain insights that shaped action plans in support of a smooth transition. Feedback from all relevant sites was obtained and synthesized into the final presentation which was made to representatives from the executive team of both organizations.

A significant global player providing highly-efficient integrated power and propulsion solutions for aerospace, marine, energy and off-highway applications. One of the world’s leading producers of engines powering applications as diverse as rail locomotives and luxury yachts. With a highly-developed supply-chain partnership and over 60,000 employees, Rolls-Royce operates at the highest level of advanced manufacturing and after-sales support services globally. Brief Rolls-Royce’s market position is built on innovation and strategic acquisition. In July 2016, the other shareholder in an aerospace joint venture business decided to exercise their option to sell. To oversee an orderly transition of assets and people to the parent company, Rolls- Royce formed an integration team. This team conducted work around the cultures of the two organizations; specifically to explore: • The ‘ways of working’ of the business being acquired (a Spanish organization with 4 manufacturing and servicing locations and a presence in 6 countries). • How this compares and contrasts with the key functions that will interface with the acquired business? • What cultural factors drive performance in each respective business? • Actions required to better align the two businesses from a ‘ways of working’ perspective, and to leverage any positive performance drivers to support the integration.



BARRETT VALUES CULTURE ASSESSMENT • 400 staff across Spanish and UK organizations as part of merger and acquisition • Data cuts, analysis & recommendations



• Situation Analysis & Research • Orientation

• Debrief session • Insights report to project sponsors • Action planning • Multiple language delivery

Outputs included the development of framework for improved collaboration and teamworking across the diverse organization cultures

“Primeast was selected following a competitive tender to identify the consultants that could best help us understand the working cultures and opportunities of bringing together two organizations. They were professional, experienced and very knowledgeable, and tailored their solution to meet our business need.” Director, Global HR Services

Success Rolls-Royce made a significant commitment in time and resources to conduct a cultural due diligence, ahead of completing their acquisition. Doing this work was fundamental to the success of the acquisition because it: • Gave senior people the reassurance that the cultural ‘stretch’ between the two organizations was bridgeable. • Demonstrated some shared views about how the future is perceived by both parties. • Highlighted some potentially negative cultural differences or ‘pinch-points’. • Showed the acquired company that Rolls-Royce had a broad interest in understanding how to engage culturally with their employees. • Provided the basis for an improved integration plan.


Situation Cape plc* required a long term cultural transformation program and sought to develop their future leaders. Achieving this would take a number of culture changing interventions, including a suite of personal development programs to up-skill various management cohorts. Brief Primeast’s brief was to design and deliver a program of behavioural interventions for senior leaders and a leader development program to support the culture transformation initiative. Solution Primeast designed 2 programs (Operational Excellence in a VUCA world) with executive coaching support and another program for future leaders (those in the. operational function with the potential to become senior leaders). The focus has shifted in recent years towards developing leadership effectiveness. Participants have been recruited from all parts of the client’s global operations. This multi-cultural approach was designed to ensure that the client made the best possible use of all its managerial talents, as well as offering the opportunity for participants to appreciate the cultural differences that exist across the global

operations and to develop valuable internal networks for personal support and corporate benefit.

Success Outcomes include: • Significantly enhanced leadership skills and capability of an important cohort of Cape’s senior management • Contribution to the cultural development of Cape’s operations globally • Underpinned Cape’s people priority areas, which has helped deliver their overall business objectives • Quantifiable outcomes & demonstrable ROI: enhanced earnings via the implementation of in-program projects, the achievement of participants’ personal objectives, improved promotion likelihood of participants, and reduced attrition amongst senior leaders. * Originally instructed by Cape plc, who were bought by Altrad, 2016



OPERATIONAL EXCELLENCE IN A VUCA WORLD Ongoing - leadership development program & executive coaching FUTURE LEADERS Ongoing - developing senior leaders & high potentials SUPPORTING INTERVENTIONS – 2013 to date Multiple programs/workshops including: • Exco – The Leadership Vision • Leadership Strategy Workshop • Senior Leadership Development program


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Research Phase Cross-cultural working analysis Values & Behaviors Review Training Needs Analysis Recommendations

Identify audiences & cohorts

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“I have worked closely with Primeast now for over 13 years …What I like about Primeast is that they “get it”...Working with Primeast has helped us reshape the organization, develop our leadership, ultimately enhancing overall performance.” Program Sponsor, Special Projects

Agree objectives Outline designs

Development Planning Full program management:

logistics & operations

Annual Conference Event – systemic change program launch

Barrett Values Survey

Results Engagement


provided coaching for the GM and other managers and delivered a program of skills and team workshops, EQi-based coaching and an off- site all-hands workshop. We ran some critical incident analysis workshops and identified significant areas for improvement which had a direct impact on health and safety processes. The workshops surfaced and addressed the significant cultural challenges which extended to the island community dynamics which impacted on the staff at the site.

Situation BASF bought a manufacturing plant in the Outer Hebrides in 2012, Scotland. After a company-wide pulse survey it was identified that there were some extreme culture issues which were severely impacting on performance. Brief Initial consultation uncovered some signification challenges. Primeast designed a bespoke solution to uncover areas that needed to be addressed. This included conducting a Barrett Values Centre cultural values assessment to all 80 staff (shown below – highlighting the limiting values at play) and IVAs for the senior leadership team. Solution The outputs were analyzed and presented back in a debrief session and followed with a townhall feedback event. We then took the analysis and inputs from key stakeholders and facilitated a series of sessions to review and analyze report outputs and feedback on the IVAs. We


SKILLS WORKSHOPS Team sessions – all staff


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ASSESSMENT DEBRIEF Individual debrief sessions with action and development planning


Research Phase – stakeholder interviews & surveys Barrett Values Culture Assessment – 80 staff

CRITICAL INCIDENT ANALYSIS WORKSHOPS Team sessions with direct actions in health & safety processes

• Change in leadership styles – improved leadership effectiveness • Cultural alignment in sensitive community situation • A return to profit within 3 years

Barrett Values – Individual Values Assessments Needs Analysis Recommendations


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EXECUTIVE COACHING General Manager & Management Team based on EQi outputs

Success The report outputs informed a series of cultural interventions which were delivered in a sensitive environment and resulted in a cultural shift and a change in leadership styles. The plant returned to profit within 3 years.

Beth Williams +1 609 642 8821

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