Leading by Example

Understanding your values for a happier, healhtier life

Leading by Example Understanding your values for a happier, healthier life


The Importance of Aligning Actions with Core Values Navigating Well-being and Fulfilment

In a fast-paced world, it can be easy to lose sight of the principles that define us. As life becomes more complex, understanding and aligning with our core values is crucial for navigating challenges and finding fulfilment. Values, the fundamental beliefs that guide our behaviours and decisions, serve as a moral compass, directing us toward a more authentic and meaningful life. When our actions and decisions are not aligned with these core values, we often face significant challenges that affect our well-being, relationships, and career satisfaction.


Career Misalignment

One common challenge is feeling stuck in a career that doesn’t resonate with one’s beliefs. Many individuals pursue careers for external reasons—financial security, societal expectations, or prestige—without considering whether these paths align with their values. Over time, For example, someone who values creativity and innovation might struggle in a rigid corporate environment that stifles their creative expression. This dissonance between personal values and professional responsibilities can cause a sense of being trapped, leading to stress and anxiety. this misalignment can lead to feelings of dissatisfaction, frustration, and burnout.

Contextual Understanding Common challenges of misalignment


Relationship Misalignment

Relationships are another area where value misalignment can create challenges. When individuals find themselves in relationships that don’t honor their values, it can lead to conflict and emotional distress. For instance, if one person values honesty and transparency, but their partner tends to withhold information or avoid difficult conversations, the resulting tension can undermine trust and intimacy. This misalignment can also occur in friendships and family relationships, where differing values lead to misunderstandings and resentment. Over time, the lack of alignment can erode the foundation of relationships, leading to isolation and disconnection.


Emotional Turmoil

The disconnect between actions and core values can also lead to internal conflict and emotional turmoil. This misalignment creates cognitive dissonance, a psychological state where individuals experience discomfort due to conflicting beliefs or behaviors. This dissonance can manifest as stress, guilt, or self-doubt, affecting overall mental well-being.


The Role of Core Values Alignment with core values is essential for well-being. When our actions reflect our values, we experience a sense of harmony and fulfilment. However, misalignment can significantly impact our mental and emotional health.

Impact on Wellbeing


Neuroscience Insights Understanding the neuroscience behind alignment with core values can shed light on its impact on well-being. The limbic system, often referred to as the emotional brain, plays a crucial role in processing emotions and regulating behavior. It is responsible for our emotional responses and influences how we perceive and react to the world around us.


According to Professor Steve Peters, author of The Chimp Paradox , the limbic system houses what he calls the “Chimp” mind—a part of our brain that is emotional, impulsive, and survival-driven. When our actions are misaligned with our core values, the Chimp mind can dominate our responses, leading to stress and emotional instability. This is because our values, which reside in the rational and reflective part of the brain (the prefrontal cortex), are not in sync with our emotional reactions.


The emotional brain is wired to seek consistency and alignment between our beliefs and actions. When this alignment is disrupted, it triggers stress responses, such as anxiety and irritability. Conversely, when our actions align with our values, the limbic system supports positive emotional states, fostering a sense of well-being and contentment.


David Rock’s SCARF Model David Rock’s SCARF model provides further insight into how values impact well-being. The model identifies five domains that influence human behavior and social interactions: Status, Certainty, Autonomy, Relatedness, and Fairness. These domains are deeply connected to our values and affect our emotional responses. STATUS CERTAINTY AUTONOMY RELATEDNESS FAIRNESS

How we perceive our standing relative to others. Misalignment with values can lead to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem, affecting our perceived status.

Our need for predictability and understanding. When our actions align with our values, we experience greater certainty and clarity in our decisions, reducing anxiety.

Our desire for control and choice. Aligning actions with values enhances our sense of autonomy, empowering us to make decisions that reflect our true selves.

Our sense of connection and belonging. Value alignment strengthens

Our perception of justice and equity.

When our actions align with our values, we are more likely to perceive situations as fair and just, enhancing our overall well-being.

relationships and fosters a sense of relatedness with others who share similar beliefs.


Strategies for Aligning Actions with Core Values To improve well-being and satisfaction, it is essential to align our actions with our core values. Here are some strategies to help achieve this alignment:

Self-awareness is the first step toward aligning actions with values.

Journaling: Write about experiences where you felt most fulfilled and authentic. Identify the values that were present in those moments and explore how they can guide your future actions. Value Assessment: Engage in exercises to clarify your values. Make a list of values and prioritize them to understand which ones are most important to you.

Self-reflection and Awarness

Begin by reflecting on your core values and identifying areas where misalignment may exist. Consider what truly matters to you and how these values are reflected in your daily life.


Setting Intentional Goals

Once you have a clear understanding of your values, set intentional goals that align with them. Ensure that your objectives reflect your core beliefs and contribute to your overall sense of purpose. SMART Goals: Create specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound goals that align with your values. This approach ensures that your actions are purposeful and aligned with what you truly value.

Regular Review: Periodically review your goals and assess whether they continue to align with your evolving values. Make adjustments as needed to maintain alignment.


Mindfulness and Emotional Regulation

Practice mindfulness to become more aware of your thoughts, emotions, and actions. Mindfulness helps you recognize when your actions are misaligned with your values and provides the space to make conscious choices. Mindful Breathing: Engage in mindful breathing exercises to calm the Chimp mind and bring awareness to your present state. This practice can help you respond to situations with greater alignment to your values. Emotional Regulation: Develop strategies to regulate your emotions, ensuring that your actions reflect your values rather than impulsive reactions. Techniques such as meditation and cognitive restructuring can help achieve this balance.


Building Supportive Relationships

Surround yourself with individuals who share and respect your values. Building relationships with like-minded people fosters a sense of belonging and supports value alignment. Communication: Openly communicate your values to friends, family, and colleagues. Sharing your beliefs fosters understanding and strengthens connections with others who share similar values.

Community Involvement: Engage in communities or groups that align with your values. Participating in activities that reflect your beliefs enhances your sense of relatedness and well-being.



Aligning your actions with your core values is essential for well-being, fulfillment, and meaningful relationships. Understanding the neuroscience behind value alignment and drawing on psychological models provides valuable insights into how values impact our emotional and mental health. By engaging in self-reflection, setting intentional goals, practicing mindfulness, and building supportive relationships, you can navigate life’s challenges with greater clarity and authenticity. Embrace the power of aligning your actions with your values, and experience the profound impact it has on your well-being and overall satisfaction.


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