Increasing Self-Awareness - Future leaders
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Relauonsh!p-TolskBalanoo CREATIVE
In add t1on to all the dimensions d splayed 1n the inner and outer circle. the rectanguar scales located aroond the circleare ntended to br ing everythng together. They provide useful 'bot tom- 1ne·measures as well as measuresof key patterns wi thin the data
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B11s;JbC1ts;;;c11IIX1I I reflects the degree of balance between the Creative dmens1ons and the Reactive d1mens1ons The percent le scorehereg ves the leadera senseof how he/she compares to other leaderswi t h respect to the amount of energy he/sheputs intoReactive versus Creativebehaviors. It suggests
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To understand the layout of the Prof i le Graphic. please read the fol lowing steps: 0 C WITHINELCRI A CIRCLE The outer circle d splays the results
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the degree to whichh1S/her leadership, relat1onsh ps. and goal-oriented behaviorscome oot of a Creative or Reactive onentat1on. It also suggests the degree to whichh1S/ her self-concept and inner mot1vat1oncome from w1th1n or are determined by external expectations.. rules, or condbons measures the degreeof balance a leader shows betweenthe Ach1ev1ngand Relating competencies. It 1s a measureof the over,under or balanced development of either half of the equation (the peoplehalf or the task half) that makes for great leadersh p I HdtUb lD E!:12ltDlli11 UllllHlil2D 1sa bot tom ne measurethat compares the overa! scoreof the Re-latlonshlp-nsk Balance
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for eachof the 29 dimensions measuredby the LCP. Jhe inner
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summarize the outer c rcle dimensions nto 8 summary scores 01mens1ondef1n1t1onsc.anbe found on the fOl owing pages. The,on of d mens1ons with n the c rcte I ustrates the relabonsh1p between O.mens1ons Adjacent dimensions describe similar behavior pat terns t ha t are posi t ively correlated.01mens1ons on oppos i tes des o f the ci rcle are opposing behavior pat terns and are inversely correlated.
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d mens1onsmeasured to that of other leaders who have taken this survey. It sorts through all the highand low scores to answer the Question. So. 1nthe am doing? I Hd tDb l D Ul lb:t:Df:IS measures the leader·s perceived level of overal effectiveness
displayed as percent le scores compared to an ever-growing
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n,ormbase.High scoresare beyond the 61thpercenble_ Low scores are below the 33rdpercentile
Researchhas shown it to be si-gn1f1cantly correlated to business outcomes. It gives the
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