Tsys Brochure
Partnership Highlights
Globally applicable team working skills programme Request for a development programme for whole division of the corporation Various bespoke workshops in partnership with the European Organisational team How individuals can best contribute and work in teams to deliver synergistic results
Attend and design in the moment relevant dynamic experiences for learners for range of cross cultural, communication and collaboration projects
Design and deliver 2&3 day programmes that promoted a common approach with consistency globally
Early successful experiential courses in Communication, Team and Management skills, resulted in further courses being added around Cross cultural working and influencing and presentations, etc
Develop & deliver globally relevant/localised team-working skills programme (approx. 5000 learners in 32 countries)
Develop & deliver core customer service skills focused on 4 core competencies- customer mindset, building effective business networks, global mindset, systems thinking (approx. 1200 learners to date)
Early Career curriculum for new global hires
Establish network of shared service centres and get teams to effectiveness quickly
Range of experiential skills programmes to accelerate development of individuals in functional & Project teams (approx. 3000 learners over 2.5 years)
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