Transforming Culture Driving Performance
Leading with Purpose and Values
Primeast has been working with organisations globally, helping
exists. It must be compelling and generate pride, passion and
them to align organisational purpose and values resulting in
commitment within your organisation.
significant improvement in performance and efficiency.
Leaders must then create the vision – this is a critical piece of
work which must serve to engage your employees. The
We developed the PrimeFocus TM framework which underpins
direction of travel must be clear so that everyone, including all
our consulting and leadership development work. The model
stakeholders, can mobilise and contribute to achieving it.
can be used to inform conversations regarding strategic
Only then, can leaders begin to create the conditions, most
alignment which can then be used to prompt and identify areas
significantly, the culture/character, to achieve the leadership
for investment and focus.
vision. Unless you have created a clear purpose and vision
Leaders must begin by developing a clear purpose. Everything
first, it is impossible to define the culture you need to get there.
else comes from purpose. It is the reason your organisation
This is the nature of ‘purposeful leadership’. +44 (0) 1423 531083 | +1 609 6428821
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