Scaling Talent Prospectus
HOW IT WORKS Scaling Talent modules are hosted on our Digital Campus which is a custom learning management system. You will receive joining instructions and login details once your programme is confirmed. Workshops are designed for up to 15 participants and costs include access to the Digital Campus and the learning materials and resources used as part of the workshop. Participants will have access to their Digital Campus for a period of up to 6 months following the workshop. Some modules will require some pre-work to be done for example completion of a survey or self-assessment. All links and information regarding this will be provided prior to the workshop taking place. Scaling Talent modules are structured to be delivered virtually and content has been specifically designed for the virtual learning environment. This will include active participation from the attendees including breakout rooms, completion of practical activities and the time and space to complete activities, to apply learning in the workshop, reflection of the learning and action planning for embedding learning into their day to day role. Participants should be briefed that the workshops demand engagement and commitment to ensure the greatest impact and value for your organisation. Each Scaling Talent module is made of up 2 x 90 minutes sessions or a 3 hour session to suit organisational commitments and scheduling.
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