Leadership Development | Increasing Self-Awareness


Kirkpatrick Levels 1-4 Leading Indicators

 We are only as good as our results.  Typically a programme starts with the end in mind and this means the design of a comprehensive evaluation system.  This could include the capturing of client feedback, participant feedback and completion of trainer evaluation reports.  The evaluation outputs will inform a continuous improvement cycle, as part of our quality assurance and ISO:9001 accreditation. These are reviewed at regular check-ins with the partnering team.  Lessons learnt will influence ongoing improvements and adaptation of the programme content.  We are adaptable and flexible and work with all clients in this way.  Our client consulting team are Kirkpatrick accredited and design the evaluation to respond to the leading indicators.  KPIs and metrics are agreed and outputs planned to provide evidence for return on investment.

What impact has the programme had on business performance?

Level 4 Result

How have participants applied their learning?

Level 3 Behaviour

How much did participants learn from the programme?

Level 2 Learning

How did participants respond to the programme?

Level 1 Reaction

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