Introducing Primeast

ALTRAD (FKA CAPE) £85k pa 2013 – to date


Cape plc (at the time of the initial contract) wished to develop its corporate culture to improve its already enviable reputation for delivery capability to clients, team and personal performance, and enhanced workplace safety. A comprehensive programme for the introduction and implementation of an Operational Excellence (OE) ethos was therefore designed, including a fundamental upskilling in senior and mid-level leaders in the context of a VUCA world. It was envisaged that achieving this would take a number of culture changing interventions, including a suite of personal development programmes to up-skill various management cohorts. Primeast’s brief was to design and deliver a programme of behavioural interventions for senior leaders – those people with the potential to become Executive Team members within 3-4 years – and another programme for future leaders (those in the. operational function with the potential to become senior leaders). Primeast designed 2 programmes with executive coaching support which have continued to evolve in response to changes in organisation context – the focus shifting in recent years towards developing leadership effectiveness. Participants have been recruited from all parts of the client’s global operations. This multi-cultural approach was designed to ensure that the client made the best possible use of all its managerial talents, as well as offering the opportunity for participants to appreciate the cultural differences that exist across the global operations and to develop valuable internal networks for personal support and corporate benefit.



Observed outcomes include: • Significantly enhanced leadership skills and capability of an important cohort of Cape’s senior management • Contribution to the cultural development of Cape’s operations globally • Underpinned Cape’s people priority areas, which in turn has helped deliver their overall business objectives

• Achieved a number of quantifiable outcomes, including demonstrable ROI through enhanced earnings via the implementation of in-programme projects, the achievement of participants’ personal objectives, improved promotion likelihood of participants, and reduced turnover amongst senior leaders. Feedback: “I have worked closely with Primeast now for over 13 year …What I like about Primeast is that they “get it”...Working with Primeast has helped us reshape the organisation, develop our leadership, ultimately enhancing overall performance.” Steve Connolly, Special Projects, Altrad

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