Introducing Primeast - Microsoft
About Primeast
People Development and Leadership Development for the 21 st Century
Navigating complexity Remote working
Commercial resilience
Resetting the vision
Managing complex people challenges Supporting people emotionally
Technology disruption
Value-driven relationships
Embracing change
Resetting expectations
Virtual Connections
Business growth Adapting
Sustainable business performance
Developing new skills
Agility Economic challenges Competitive markets Strategic challenge Whole person understanding Multi-generational workforces Cultural Diversity
Talent Management Inclusivity
Equip your teams with the skills to be able to adapt, thrive and succeed because 85% of jobs in 2030 haven’t been invented yet Satisfy the greater demand for social, emotional and personal skills to be able to lead people successfully Unlock your internal potential and overcome the external challenges Develop and support a learning culture for continuous development and agility Secure the future for continued growth and sustainable performance Working with Primeast to support you in a smart approach to developing leaders and organisational skills
Primeast learning solutions are carefully designed to provide: A systemic and interconnected organisation-wide approach to developing skills and thinking at all levels Developing managers and teams to improve and accelerate performance and mobilise and align with the organisation’s purpose whilst creating the leaders to lead effectively Developing external skills and the internal capabilities needed to adapt, apply these skills and continue to develop beyond existing boundaries A meaningful learning experience is critical to ensuring desired behaviour and performance improvement Virtual learning is designed to engage, share, challenge and inspire the participants – with relevant and applied development an essential component of every workshop using breakouts, social learning, game-storming and individualised developmental feedback and action planning Drawing on the principles and our proven track record of experiential learning – igniting performance and inspiring better results
A smart approach
Developing outstanding leaders | Creating meaningful learning experiences
Dynamic design = rich, immersive, experiential learning
Scaling Talent
Prime Leadership
Workforce & Skills Development
Effective Team Performance
Management Training
PrimeFocus TM
Horizontal adult development is predominant
Vertical adult development is predominant
Configurable interventions
Customised interventions
New Action (a better way) / Skills Development
New Meaning (a better why) / Person Development
Skills-based Coaching
Growth Coaching
Scaling Talent is a flexible, modular approach to developing and growing talent within organisations. Modules are designed to be delivered virtually or face to face to suit client schedules, locations, language and cultural requirements. Modules are delivered by an experienced Primeast facilitator from our team of 120+ associates worldwide. Scaling Talent helps you build organisational strength and complements our Prime Leadership offering. By developing the skills and thinking of your teams and managers alongside leadership development investment businesses can scale and grow. Investing in skills and thinking development ensures you become an employer of choice. Developing your employees’ skills and mindset to adapt, learn and be agile have been cited as crucial to an organisation’s ability to deliver a sustainable and thriving business in a complex and rapidly changing world.
A portfolio of flexible, modular workshops delivered virtually to support growth, performance and achieve measurable results. Designed to support a continuous development journey.
Building your Team Charter
Building Trust in Remote Teams
Communicating Effectively Online
Setting a Team up to Succeed
Mastering Communication
Positive Coaching in a Virtual World
Managing a Culture of Innovation
Raising your Resilience
Developing a Culture of Innovation
Managing High- Performing Teams
Creating Collaborative Partnerships
Bigger Picture Thinking
Online Facilitation- presence, energy and impact
Understanding the Change Process
Developing Emotional Intelligence
11 12 13 14
Managing Conflict
Mastering Difficult Conversations
The Fast Track Manager
Managing your Team through Change
Engaging in the Change Process
16 17
18 19
Energising Managers
Mastering Coaching
The Art of Giving Effective Feedback
Delegation for Development
Developing Talent as a Manager
21 22 23 24
Effective Performance Management
Coaching-on- the-go for Managers
Accelerating action through
Developing Cultural Intelligence
Understanding your Why – becoming a purposeful manager
28 29 effective decision- making
26 27
Pure Coaching
Project Kick Off
Coach the Coach
Positive Coaching In a
Skills-based Coaching
Virtual World
31 32 33 34
Challenge and Innovation Forum
The effectiveness of your leaders has been proven to have a direct impact on the performance of your employees and your organisations. However leaders need to be developed, especially in light of the challenges they face in today's world. Typically leaders are promoted as a result of their outstanding technical or practical skillset. However they can struggle because they haven't developed the personal and people skills, the emotional intelligence and the mindset that they need to be able to lead with agility, authenticity and resilience. The Prime Leadership system is a connected approach which encompasses the individual leader, building the collective leadership strength and then ensuring the culture, structure and engagement supports the purpose and vision of the organisation. Because the alignment of an organisation’s people towards the purpose and vision accelerates performance. To achieve this we use a unique blend of proven tools and frameworks. When this is done alongside Scaling Talent there is a multiplier effect on the return on the investment.
Leadership is a complex journey of developing internal beliefs and external behaviours Together, Prime Leadership and Scaling Talent respond to and serve this journey Investing in both leads to a multiplier effect on return on investment Leaders cannot operate in isolation because all things are connected; outstanding leaders master this complexity
Prime Leadership + Scaling Talent =
Business Growth
The Team- collective leadership The Organisation
PrimeFocus TM
SCALING TALENT Developing skills and thinking of teams and managers
Barrett Values Centre TM
The Individual The Individual
The Leadership Circle TM
Clive Wilson, (author of Designing the Purposeful Organization) developed the PrimeFocus TM model based on 30 years experience working with organisations globally as learning and development consultant. PrimeFocus is deployed as a framework for consulting, understanding the challenges within an organisation and informing the design of any successful solution. It is based on the principle that all conditions must be aligned in support of the organisation’s purpose to achieve business growth. Find out more about PrimeFocus
Complete the Self Assessment and receive a summary report outlining the challenges to your organisation.
Barret Values is employed in culture change and teamworking solutions where organisations are seeking to develop a cohesive culture in pursuit of the organisation’s purpose and objectives. Used in a range of situations including mergers and acquisitions and the development of collaborative working, Barrett Values is a powerful tool used by our accredited practitioners. It provides deeper insights and forms the basis of
workshop design resulting in a more meaningful and considered solution.
A scalable, repeatable tool which allows current vs desired status data comparison Uncovers the hidden values which drive behaviour and are fundamental to ensuring recognisable behaviour change Identifies entropy with scores which supports progress monitoring
Leadership Effectiveness is proven to have a direct impact on performance and growth (Mastering Leadership). The Leadership Circle Profile is a 360 diagnostic tool which is used by our accredited practitioners to understand the latent strengths and limiting behaviours of leaders seeking to improve their own performance. Insights are gathered and participants are coached to develop mindset and skills to improve their own leadership effectiveness. The Leadership System is a fully integrated programme of leadership development designed to support dynamic and effective leadership.
Working in partnership
ENGAGE, LEARN APPLY, SUSTAIN (ELAS TM ) We have developed the ELAS TM framework to help us effectively work with clients to achieve success. Working in this way throughout the relationship has proven to successfully deliver sustainable results ENGAGE Working in partnership to support, test and challenge Designing a solution that is engaging for learners from the start LEARN Explore what has and hasn’t worked before Design to be inclusive of learning styles with blend of delivery APPLY Establish clear connection with your processes and systems Relate the learning to real life workplace SUSTAIN Appropriate evaluation, ensuring objectives are met Practice and build approach for learner to use, share and grow
Creating learning experiences
Curriculum planning
Working together
Sustain Apply
In the last 18 months we delivered: 690 programmes
In 18 languages
In 37 countries
Wherever your organisation is, so are we: our team of over 120 associates worldwide ensures we deliver the best facilitator with the right language skills, delivery, industry experience and cultural fit where you need it. We’ve been providing face to face and virtual facilitation for over 30 years, ensuring availability and agility to suit your requirements.
With 163 facilitators
To 8,488 participants
VALUES We are a value-driven organisation and our values inform our behaviour and how we work with our clients. As a project team and wider organisation we are aligned in the pursuit of our purpose: helping organisations grow by developing outstanding leadership and providing meaningful learning and development.
To respect our clients, their employees and ourselves To do the right things for the right reasons To do what we say we will do To be true to ourselves INTEGRITY
To have a clear and compelling purpose so that employees and associates feel fulfilled To be aware of our own behaviours and their impact on others To commit ourselves to the emotional, intellectual and physical wellbeing of our clients, their employees and ourselves To build resilience, both internally and externally
To collaborate with our clients as their trusted advisor To trust in the strength of working as a team with colleagues, clients and others To generate sufficient profit to benefit our clients and our staff To maintain high professional standards and quality control
To think and act for the long term To act responsibly for clients, employees, suppliers and the communities in which we work To use the environment responsibly for our business needs
To add value for our clients To develop and use the potential of all our people To generate sufficient profit to benefit our clients and our staff To maintain high professional standards and quality control
To acknowledge that today's solutions are not good enough for tomorrow To explore, share and implement creative solutions To offer clients new products and services that are assured
To believe that people should have the opportunity to be themselves To thrive on diversity: people, skills, race, background, gender etc
We have implemented a range of activities, systems and policies as part of our responsibility for the environment. For more details please read our Environmental Policy. We are also committed to the United Nations Global Compact and its 10 guiding principles on human rights, labour ,environment and anti-corruption.
DEDICATED PROJECT TEAMS Every client has a wrap-around account team which includes subject matter experts, client partners, design team resource and administrative support. In addition project teams will include a selected number of facilitators from our global team, with the appropriate sector, delivery, location experience and accreditations to be able to deliver to the highest standards and the best client experience. Our design team includes programme designers, virtual learning producers, digital solutions experts, and subject matter leads
who form part of an extended project team. Supporting our clients (just some of the team):
Gary Edwards Client Partner
Jo Mason Client Support
Simon Allistone Senior L & D Consultant
Liz Clarkson Relationship Manager
Gavin Elliot Digital Solutions
Owen Wibberley Senior Consultant
Emma Heaps Head of Creative Solutions
• Given the current range of international restrictions we design programmes for online delivery and can convert to face-to-face as and when required. Primeast use Zoom, MS Teams, Webex or the client’s preferred platform for delivery. • Our internal design team are experienced in development of highly engaging, interactive, meaningful virtual delivery using a range of digital tools and technologies to support experiential learning and including time and space for reflection, application and developmental feedback. Content is explored in the context of the workplace situation and challenges to ensure meaningful learning transfer. • Facilitators complete Primeast’s internal Virtual Facilitation Training Certification to ensure quality of delivery. Facilitators are selected according to content, style, culture fit and language skills required. For an example of our virtual delivery, view the video below:
Virtual Delivery Demonstration
We use a range of trusted, secure technologies and platforms in the delivery of our learning and development solutions. Our design team will work with your existing L & D or Business Unit teams and your in-house e-learning platforms, curating and creating content in support of your programme objectives however we can also provide, as your learning and development partner, our own e-learning platform, Digital Campus.
Our partnership journey has endured many strategic, economic, political, environmental twists and turns over the last 30 years that has also contributed to the growth and development of Primeast. The longevity of our partnership is testament to our commitment to stay innovative and to continue to be responsive and proactive in how we continue to develop and improve our services.
Full value partner
Our initial work with this client was for their Chemical organisation: Leaders needed to promote corporate values alongside their personal ones, and in a climate when they were naive to the public perception of them. (Valdez incident happened this year).
For the first 10 years of working for the client we were primarily involved on supporting OD/OE interventions across Europe – many in support of a merger and cross border/affiliate working. Our work was noticed by the corporation so then invited to be contracted centrally through the Global Training and Education Services (now Corporate Learning). We were retained over many reorganisations and culling of external suppliers. Our need to service this global requirement has forged fresh and long lasting relationships with associates in some of the worlds more unlikely locations. We have built a strong, loyal and experienced team of facilitators who aspire to the same standards of experience that Primeast look to achieve. We are credited by the client for providing novel/creative and robust solutions that challenge and support the operational needs of the business. We are one of 5 global suppliers of behavioural based training bought together to unite behind how to provide the client a comprehensive learning curriculum as partners not competitors. For 10 years we facilitated the corporate onboarding programme globally, a testament to our understanding of their global operations, safety, performance and standards. We speak the clients’ language. To date we both service the Corporate Learning needs and Business Lines around the world with standardised training solutions and the OE bespoke solutions that the Business lines require. As a principle the client are frequently absent from our marketing and endorsement materials in respect of their stance that they do not wish to preference one supplier over another. To this end they will not provide written references and individual references or conversations must be respected as a personal endorsement rather than one of the corporation.
PETROCHEMICAL COMPANY $150k per annum 2017 to present
Support the development of GPM Upstream Operations expanding team in Budapest with a programme of individual and team coaching for culturally diverse, virtual teams working globally. The target growth areas included: • Maturity/self awareness • Confidence • Competence • Credibility • Taking ownership • Build capability by the needs emerging at the time so all content was relevant and necessary and agreed with the client sponsor. 2 cohorts defined 1. The Leadership team, along with Managers and Section Leads based in Budapest, UK and USA (8) 2. Supervisors with Senior Individual Contributors (20) primarily Budapest based. The initial key sponsor Upstream Commercial VP was adamant that the Leadership team also participated. This was invaluable to set tone, understanding and ultimately demonstrate/ role model what could be achieved. This in turn translated to the wider cohort embracing and believing in what was possible creating a shared drive towards a common purpose, improved collaboration, communication and teamworking. A team of 3 facilitator/coaches was assigned to enable continuity and ensure the optimal time (and therefore $$) to get around everyone in set dates. The results have been contributory to a confident commercial workforce that are respected for their work and approach and outstanding teamworking. It is acknowledged by others and continues to be supported as a valuable approach to equip these dynamic and technical teams as art of the ongoing curriculum. Employee surveys highlight how much better this team is and has some of the best retention stats. Evaluation data is collected related to the ROI, ROE, Facilitator and overall which consistently hovers around 4.5/5. Primeast developed a programme based on Modular Impact Coaching™ to provide four interventions a year. Each intervention combined a group workshop for all in the learning cohort and 1:1 coaching. The focus and topic of each workshop was determined
ARROW ELECTRONICS 2017 to date £400-600k pa Situation
Primeast has worked with Arrow Electronics as global L & D partner since 2016 designing and delivering a range of rolling, annual programmes: Graduate programme, Management Essentials, Leadership Excellence, Advanced Leadership programme & Exec. Team Development (Leadership Circle 360 Profile & Coaching). In addition, we provide stand-alone interventions when required e.g. Sales Manager Skills, SCORM – online design, 1-2-1 coaching, Presentation Skills and Zoom Producer. Programmes extend across EMEA, US and APAC. Programmes had been designed for blended delivery previously with a team of facilitators from our US and EMEA network of coaches and facilitators. With Covid-19 we have converted all programmes to virtual delivery and received excellent feedback for the design and delivery. The dedicated team designs programmes and resources, working collaboratively with the EMEA HR/L & D teams to ensure high levels of engagement, interaction and a superior learning experience. The programmes are now embedded into the rolling curriculum. We apply a process of design, deliver and evaluate (ADDIE) which ensures the programme content continues to address the evolving organisational needs and takes into account shifting external factors. We employ a range of tools and assessments to support the learning experience and to allow for deeper insights and reflection for the participants where required e.g. DiSC, EQi, Barrett Values values-assessments, the Leadership Circle. Assessments results are analysed and explored through 1-2-1 or team coaching and inform action and development plans. These are delivered by accredited and experienced practitioners to ensure the greatest impact. Arrow has been awarded Fortune’s World’s Most Admired Companies. Feedback: “Antonella is very insightful and really made me think about the way I lead and how to be more effective in this regard. A very useful element of the programme and one that I took a lot from. ” Dan, ALP, EMEA, December 2020 “My coaching sessions have been amazingly, inspiring and useful. I got great insights, feedback and suggestions to work on the results of the 360 and on the objectives set as a team and individually. It gave me a lot of perspectives on the current situation and improved my awareness of the leadership features I wanted to develop. It also gave me a compelling framework for execution, and support in changing my way of working.” Ignacio, ALP, EMEA, December 2020
ALTRAD (FKA CAPE) £85k pa 2013 – to date
Cape plc (at the time of the initial contract) wished to develop its corporate culture to improve its already enviable reputation for delivery capability to clients, team and personal performance, and enhanced workplace safety. A comprehensive programme for the introduction and implementation of an Operational Excellence (OE) ethos was therefore designed, including a fundamental upskilling in senior and mid-level leaders in the context of a VUCA world. It was envisaged that achieving this would take a number of culture changing interventions, including a suite of personal development programmes to up-skill various management cohorts. Primeast’s brief was to design and deliver a programme of behavioural interventions for senior leaders – those people with the potential to become Executive Team members within 3-4 years – and another programme for future leaders (those in the. operational function with the potential to become senior leaders). Primeast designed 2 programmes with executive coaching support which have continued to evolve in response to changes in organisation context – the focus shifting in recent years towards developing leadership effectiveness. Participants have been recruited from all parts of the client’s global operations. This multi-cultural approach was designed to ensure that the client made the best possible use of all its managerial talents, as well as offering the opportunity for participants to appreciate the cultural differences that exist across the global operations and to develop valuable internal networks for personal support and corporate benefit.
Observed outcomes include: • Significantly enhanced leadership skills and capability of an important cohort of Cape’s senior management • Contribution to the cultural development of Cape’s operations globally • Underpinned Cape’s people priority areas, which in turn has helped deliver their overall business objectives
• Achieved a number of quantifiable outcomes, including demonstrable ROI through enhanced earnings via the implementation of in- programme projects, the achievement of participants’ personal objectives, improved promotion likelihood of participants, and reduced turnover amongst senior leaders. Feedback: “I have worked closely with Primeast now for over 13 year …What I like about Primeast is that they “get it”...Working with Primeast has helped us reshape the organisation, develop our leadership, ultimately enhancing overall performance.” Steve Connolly, Special Projects, Altrad
Contact: Simon Tarver Email: Mobile: +44 (0) 7976 623927 Phone: + 44 (0) 1423 531083
PRIMEAST EMEA 5 Greengate, Cardale Park Harrogate, North Yorkshire HG3 1GY United Kingdom
PRIMEAST USA 1600 Perrineville Road Ste 2-325, Monroe Township, NJ 08831 United States
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