How to Overcome Resistance to Change
Transformational leaders communicate future vision, which provides the impetus for employees to meet the challenges of change, seek solutions, and become problem solvers. The result is a cultural shift in which everyone becomes engaged with the change project. This isn’t easy, but eventually the resilient leader will reduce and eventually eliminate resistance to change. The performance of Jack Welch at GE is evidence of the financial progress that can be achieved under transformational leadership – in 19 years, GE’s revenues almost quadrupled, its earnings multiplied almost pg. 9 eightfold, and the stock price saw a 40-fold increase. A transformational leader encourages teams and individuals to raise their game. Productivity and growth is almost assured. However, transformational leaders – for all their inspirational qualities – tend to lack the detailed focus to implement their vision. They provide urgency and reason, but must rely on transactional leaders to implement the new processes, procedures and policies in the workplace. In summary Transformational leaders provide the inspiration that promotes lasting organizational change. Without them, it is unlikely that a large scale change process will survive the test of time. Organizational transformation requires direction and vision, development of a new culture, and modeling of behaviors expected of employees. Transformational leaders are the captains of change; but without the engine room of transactional leadership, your change project could grind to a halt.
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