Future Skills Portfolio
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Introducing a framework for developing mental fitness created by Shirzad Chamine. The Positive Intelligence programme grows your three core mental fitness muscles. The programme begins with getting to know your Saboteur exploring the results of your free PQ assessment.
Knowing Your Saboteur
After completing the free PQ assessment, participants will explore their own Judge Saboteur and its accomplice Saboteurs. Understanding the patterns of our learned behaviours helps us to begin to harness the strengths we can bring and also how they might negatively impact on others when overplayed. Developing this positive intelligence will have a transformational effect on how you perceive yourself and will also result in more conscious and positive exchanges and improved relationships with others.
• Develop self-awareness regarding sabotaging behaviours • Reframe your thinking to enable you to develop your self-command muscle allowing you to act/react more consciously and effectively • Learn a number of techniques to support the development of your mental fitness muscle
• Complete the Positive Intelligence (PQ) assessment and explore your report detailing your top Saboteurs • Understand how you might be self-sabotaging performance and relationships through learned behaviours • Explore the nature of survival instincts which impact negatively on behaviours when overplayed
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