Future Skills Future Thinking USA
It has been said that leaders stand on the shoulders who have gone before. If we learn the lessons from recent history – the successes and failures – the journey to becoming future fit should progress more smoothly.
What must leaders do to stay ahead of the game?
The journey to becoming future fit and turning the forecasted disruption into opportunity begins with a glimpse beyond the horizon. Leaders must plan for three critical outcomes when it comes to future thinking: Innovation – Organizations that succeed will be those who are first, faster or cheaper, depending on the strategy adopted. The key to all of these outcomes is innovation. Innovation needs the talent to deliver, the leaders to inspire and the structure, processes and culture to support it. Employ and nurture lateral thinkers, encourage the ‘thrive’ response by creating the right conditions, and help leaders model an ‘opportunity - inclined’ growth mindset. Acceleration of capabilities – Reskilling and upskilling is critical. As the world changes, human skills will become critical. Organizations must create teams which capture diversity of thinking and help those teams build the relationship skills which result in successful collaboration and creative thinking, without fear. Action – inertia will lead to failure. While competitors are striving to adapt and move forward, leaders must ensure they can too. Empower your employees to take action with support of their leaders and create a culture where courage to act is advocated.
any firm must constantly be creating new strategies, new products, and new ways of [working, which] must then be diffused throughout the firm, setting off further innovations Nonaka and Kenney, 1991
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